Coaching is a high-return approach to accelerate and promote leadership effectiveness for people in all roles across a range of experience levels. Coaching creates time for leaders to engage in reflection so that they may learn from what they are practicing each day.
Our coaching methodology is derived from the teachings and framework of Mary J. Connaughton, RN, MS, Principal of Connaughton Consulting who provided coaching services to nurse leaders and nurse executives in the world's best and most recognized academic medical centers and health institutions for over two decades.
Stacy and Sara are both Gallup Certified Strengths Coaches, fully trained in strengths based development.
The target audience for strength-based coaching includes individual leaders or teams that are:
Transitioning into a new leadership role
Not realizing their full potential
Preparing for their next leadership role
Being tapped to lead a complex initiative at a higher level
Adjusting to a new culture or work environment due to changes in reporting or organizational structure